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07-31-03 - Weather woes (and bad aliterations)
07-29-03 - Are you ready for a real meal?
07-27-03 - Aaaargh!!!
07-26-03 - Does it matter?
07-25-03 - Friday Five
07-24-03 - Cahorting!
07-22-03 - Third time's a charm
07-21-03 - Whose idea was it to make a drivers' test?
07-20-03 - I like being liked
07-19-03 - A rush of blood to the head
07-19-03 - Short is an understatement for this entry
07-18-03 - Bad birthday
07-18-03 - Friday Five
07-17-03 - Happy Birthday, Heather!!
07-16-03 - At 11:23 p.m on July 17, 1986...
07-15-03 - I'll buy a Supergold membership with my looks
07-14-03 - A story about hospitals and fainting
07-13-03 - Racing on a lawnmower back to bed
07-11-03 - Enough with the reviewer bashing
07-11-03 - They didn't force feed you McDonalds
07-11-03 - Friday Five
07-10-03 - On writing for an audience
07-09-03 - Designs & races
07-07-03 - Death by pitchfork upon Van Dyn Hoven Imports
07-06-03 - Ideas for a novel born at Miller Park
07-05-03 - Loser
07-04-03 - Friday Five
07-04-03 - The Fourth of July brings tubing and waterskiing
07-02-03 - A black 2000 Nissan Sentra
07-01-03 - 100 or Bust

04-05 | 03-05 | 02-05 | 01-05 | 12-04 | 05-04 | 04-04 | 03-04 | 02-04 | 01-04 | 12-03 | 11-03 | 10-03 | 09-03 | 08-03 | 07-03 | 06-03 | 05-03 | 04-03