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[ 07-17-03 ] [ 10:17 a.m.]
[ Happy Birthday, Heather!! ]


Okay, instead of leaving that as my entry, I figure I'll actually do something meaningful. So here, for all your reading pleasure, are 17 things I plan to do before I turn 18.

1) Pass my driver's test. I should've done it already.

2) Get at least a 3.0 in my first trimester of my senior year, to stay in my parents' good graces and keep my car.

3) Maintain a steady job.

4) Maintain a steady boyfriend.

5) Take horse riding lessons.

6) Lose 30 pounds. (Likely, I won't, with my horrible eating habits.)

7) Graduate from high school.

8) Get accepted and plan to go to an acceptable college (either U. of Minn. or NMU)

9) Make state honor at the Lawrence Competition.

10) Go to New York City.

11) Go to Bristol.

12) Meet Tony Stewart.

13) Write in every issue of the Satellite and not slack off on meetings.

14) Join the girls' softball team.

15) Make at least 100 total designs at Lil Sis Design.

16) Keep the same layout on my diary for more than four months. (I'm on my way; it's been just over 2.)

17) Beat my depression.

So there. That's my lovely list of 17 things I want to accomplish before I turn 18. I can already see next year's list - "1) Vote in the 2004 election..."

Thanks to everyone who's sent me birthday wishes. I love all you guys!!!

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