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02-28-05 - The list of bad qualities
02-26-05 - I'm lazier than you
02-24-05 - Some people don't get it
02-21-05 - How to be a successful collegiate slacker and other useful information
02-15-05 - The Accident
02-13-05 - Sickness downtime
02-09-05 - An experiment in self-control (aka Heather's Diet)
02-08-05 - I'm Carolsick.
02-07-05 - Major issues
02-06-05 - Super Bowl & more laziness
02-03-05 - It's been a lazy day
02-02-05 - Headaches & friends
02-01-05 - Lyric Game
02-01-05 - Dealing with life and death

04-05 | 03-05 | 02-05 | 01-05 | 12-04 | 05-04 | 04-04 | 03-04 | 02-04 | 01-04 | 12-03 | 11-03 | 10-03 | 09-03 | 08-03 | 07-03 | 06-03 | 05-03 | 04-03