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[ 02-07-05 ] [ 3:51 p.m.]
[ Major issues ]

The warm, springlike weather has gone, and in its place has come more cold and snow. Not really surprising, but quite depressing after a week of walking around in only a t-shirt and jeans.

I'm nearly sure that I'm going change my major to either music or music education. I'm just not sure that a career in publicity is one that I'm going to be able to handle. That, and I would love to have a career in music - it's something I'm good at, something I've always been good at, and I don't think a music minor is going to be enough for me to keep music in my life. I've talked to my mom about this, and she seems okay with it - she just wants to make sure that I'm not making a stupid move.

Dawn is talking about transferring to Lakeland College in Sheboygan, because she wants to be closer to home and because Southern Vermont College is too expensive (well hell, it's in Vermont...) If she transferred, we'd be only four hours apart and we'd probably see each other most weekends, either because she'd come up to visit or I'd come home. I would be in love with that arrangement. If somehow Liz can manage to get her own form of transportation, we can plan out weekends just to hang out. Carol, of course, would get left out because she's in Philly without a car and can only come home when school's on break and airfare is cheap.

Alright, nobody laugh - I'm going on a diet. Nothing too dramatic, but enough to lose me some weight. I'm giving up candy, ice cream, sweets, and really exceptionally greasy food for Lent. I don't usually give up anything for Lent, but I need the diet. So I've restricted myself to the healthier menu at the Den and the soup/pasta I have in my room. And after my soda supply runs out, I'm off of that shit too. In fact, I'm going to try to stay off bad food until summer, and if I've lost a substantial amount of weight, I'll let myself splurge a bit for the four months when I'll be at home.

Ugh, I wish it would stop snowing. At least I don't have to go out there anymore today.

More tomorrow.

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