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01-29-05 - Rueben
01-28-05 - Life is good
01-26-05 - On roommates
01-25-05 - God enjoys screwing with me
01-25-05 - Of windows
01-24-05 - Blizzards
01-24-05 - Shaking off the rust
01-23-05 - Laziness and hair
01-22-05 - Getting my life sorted out
01-22-05 - The Cast (no, not the kind you sign)

04-05 | 03-05 | 02-05 | 01-05 | 12-04 | 05-04 | 04-04 | 03-04 | 02-04 | 01-04 | 12-03 | 11-03 | 10-03 | 09-03 | 08-03 | 07-03 | 06-03 | 05-03 | 04-03