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06-30-03 - Hexi-carbo-cavalier
06-29-03 - A candy apple red 2000 Chevy Cavalier
06-28-03 - I hate my fucking glasses
06-27-03 - Friday Five
06-27-03 - Carol's coming home
06-26-03 - I hate my personal life and the boys in it
06-26-03 - Misunderstanding
06-25-03 - The ups and downs of a reviewer's life
06-24-03 - I sure seem to like blenders
06-23-03 - Pottermania (Marathon reading, man!)
06-22-03 - Too early. Much too early.
06-21-03 - I dislike camping
06-20-03 - Help me!
06-19-03 - Haircuts and Harry
06-18-03 - It's gone, it's all gone!!
06-18-03 - Wussy, wussy, wussy!
06-17-03 - I love racing!!!
06-16-03 - Racial Rant (Why can't we be friends?)
06-15-03 - About my dad on Father's Day (and his birthday)
06-13-03 - Friday Five
06-12-03 - Hit refresh and it might let you post an entry.
06-12-03 - Welcome to the Boy Blender
06-11-03 - Riding lessons
06-10-03 - Cruel summer
06-09-03 - Pocono and drivers' tests and summer
06-08-03 - Tony wins!!!
06-07-03 - Random sarcasm and... randomness
06-06-03 - If you had a million dollars... you'd be rich?
06-05-03 - Graduation... life change ceremony
06-04-03 - Summer at last!
06-03-03 - Happy 69
06-01-03 - An update of no real importance

04-05 | 03-05 | 02-05 | 01-05 | 12-04 | 05-04 | 04-04 | 03-04 | 02-04 | 01-04 | 12-03 | 11-03 | 10-03 | 09-03 | 08-03 | 07-03 | 06-03 | 05-03 | 04-03