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[ 02-26-05 ] [ 3:09 p.m.]
[ I'm lazier than you ]

I'm a lazy piece of shit, and I absolutely can admit it. I'm supposed to go to class 12 times a week. Last week I only made 3 of those 12. Granted, having a migraine three days in a row had a lot to do with that, but it doesn't go very far in me trying to convince myself that I'm not a lazy waste of space.

I dropped my laptop the other day and this aqua scan line showed up on the screen. So I took it to Micro Repair to get it fixed, and they gave me a new screen. One without ugly fingerprints and smudges and things all over it. They also fixed my broken space bar - and I think they even replaced my 's' key even though it hasn't been falling off as much as usual lately. As you may have been able to gather from all this, the university doesn't give us the greatest laptops in the world. They're slow, they don't have a lot of space, and the virus protection isn't that great. Of course, they did give us Ad-aware. Now if only I would use mine more often...

At any rate, last night I went to DDHardcore and I got my shirt, which is fully awesome. It has the DDR arrows on the front with "Show Me Your Moves" written in green, and on the back it has the NMU DDHardcore logo and my own brilliant idea, "We Do It on the Pad". It's really a good feeling to have friends and to be a part of something. It's nice to walk into a room and know all the people there and they all know you. Last night Alex and Ashley and I stayed until 10:30 screwing around playing DDR on the controllers. And even though I'd never really tried it before, I realized that I wasn't all that bad. I even managed to "AA" Break Down on Heavy. Sometimes I wish I could make friends like my DDR friends in classes, like Kyle, sort of. Though Kyle gets on my nerves sometimes and I can't really figure out what it is about him, but something about him grates on me. At least he likes sports and likes that I like sports. And he's a good cuddler, though I don't see anything romantic happening between us. That being, of course, because I'm happily attached. And though I kinda have a feeling that he doesn't like American Idol, he watches it with me anyway on Tuesdays after Criminal Justice.

Well, anyway, my mom is on her way up to visit me. My stepdad has pneumonia and it looked for a while that my mom wasn't even coming up, but she is. I haven't seen my mom in six weeks and I really miss her. And yes, I know that Spring Break is less than a week away, but I know that sometime during Spring Break Carol and I are going to Waukesha to visit Liz. And most of my Spring Break is going to be spent job hunting with Carol and going to doctor's appointments and things I need to take care of while I'm at home that I can't do up here. And not to mention, spending as much time with Carol as humanly possible. And, lest I forget, my parents want to have a "meeting" with me to discuss my college career and whether or not it's a good idea for me to change majors, switch colleges, go to college for five years, etc., etc., etc. And that meeting will probably result in them telling me to get a job. As if I don't know that I need one already. After all, what's the whole point of going job hunting over Spring Break, if not to get a job? I have no money, and I need some. Thus, job. Why do parents have to be so annoying about stuff you know you have to do?

At any rate, I feel a lot less lazy now that I've actually written out a fairly long entry. I'm getting somewhere, I am.

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