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[ 02-21-05 ] [ 10:33 p.m.]
[ How to be a successful collegiate slacker and other useful information ]

Soooo... Liz wants an update. I wish there were something to say. Nothing has been happening in my life. Absolutely nothing. It's completely clockwork. Get up, go to class, sit around, go to sleep. And everything is speeding by.

It feels like today was February 1st. But it's the 21st.

My life at college has fallen into a sort of predictable pattern. Live through Tuesday, and everything speeds by. I've joked to my roommate that my week is one day long. I only have two hours worth of class on Monday and Wednesday mornings, and the rest of the day is spent sitting around... and then there is Thursday, with four classes that ought to be three because I don't go to my Thursday night class. Tuesday is the big day, the long load of the week. Four classes, and I have to make every one of them. Once I do that, it feels like the weekend. Honest to God. My weekend ends on Tuesday morning, and starts on Tuesday night.

And, you know, I don't really pay attention in class that much, so it's not like I'm doing anything at all. Ever.

If I manage to Dean's List this semester, or get close to it, I am going to write a book. "How to Be a Complete and Total Slacking Waste of Space in College and Still Make the Dean's List".

By my count, I've skipped 14 classes already this semester.

Don't tell my mom.

Amazing. Amazing, amazing, amazing. Spring Break is almost 10 days away. Ten days! Christ, it feels like yesterday when 47 days felt like a really, really short time.

My mom is coming to visit this weekend. Then one more week of class. Then one whole week of not thinking about being in this 5-mile snowbank known as Marquette, Michigan.

I'm not even homesick yet. I'm doing really, really well. About the only thing that I could stand to improve on is my hair. (Yeah, you guys, I've been yanking on it again.) But I'm back into wearing my bandana, and wearing the bandana means I can't get to my hair, so therefore that means I can't pull it out. Also, my diet isn't working too greatly. I still have a weakness for onion rings, ice cream, and too much mayo on my chicken sandwiches. Oh, and ordering pizza once a week probably helps nothing.

But at least I don't drink soda hardly at all anymore.

Which I'm sure my mom is grateful for.

Anyway, I hope this was enough of an update for you, Liz. Because I can't figure out what else to say.

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