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[ 02-02-05 ] [ 6:47 p.m.]
[ Headaches & friends ]

It seems like I'm always tired, even after I get an amount of sleep that most college kids would salivate over. Even on days when I do nothing but get up at 9:30, go to two classes, neither of which requires much more brain usage than writing this diary entry, and come back to my dorm room, I'm tired. I have a sneaky suspicion that that might not be very healthy.

I also get headaches all the time. Very nearly every day. If not every day, then usually every other day. And if two days pass without one, I start to wonder what might be going on. They're not caffeine headaches - good God, I've had enough of those to tell the difference - but they're close. They're a dull, persistent ache and usually they come with a lot of muscle soreness, sometimes with numbness in my arms or legs or face. I wouldn't say they're migraines, because my migraines can knock me out cold for eight hours straight, but it's like they're mini-migraines. At best, they're annoyances - at worst, they ruin my concentration completely.

It probably doesn't help that I have one right now, and it's making it difficult to get my thoughts organized to write a coherent entry.

So I had lunch at the Den with Stacey today. Out of all the people I've met up here so far, Stacey is the one that would fit with my group of friends back home the best. I don't want to overassume and say things like "we have the same sense of humor" or anything like that, because I said that about Kelsey and Jen and I was very, very wrong about them. But I haven't even known Stacey that long and already I feel more comfortable around her than I ever did around Kelsey and Jen. Maybe that might have something to do with the fact that Stacey isn't a raving, ranting conservative - or if she is a conservative, she's at least good about the raving and ranting part and has (as of yet) refrained from shoving her personal beliefs down my throat. I definitely consider her a friend, but I'm not going to get my hopes up on getting attached to her, because I very well could never see her again after this semester is over.

But, who knows. People say that you make your best friends in college. I don't think that's true for everyone - and I especially don't think that's true for me.

Time will tell, I guess. But I really have no intention on letting go of my friends from home. At the very least, I have no intention of letting go of Carol, Liz, and Dawn. (And since Josh is part of the Dawn package, him either.) No way in hell am I letting the three greatest friends I have ever had out of my life so easily. The greatest part is that I know they feel the same.

There's nothing like best friends. Even if they are hundreds of miles away.

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