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[ 07-15-03 ] [ 2:56 p.m.]
[ I'll buy a Supergold membership with my looks ]

When I bought my Gold membership, I wasn't thinking really thinking about it, I guess. If I had been, I would've spent the extra money and made myself a SuperGold member. I mean, they get their own e-mail system and a comments system. I am, like, soo jealous.

The other day I tried to go upgrade and I found out that the credit card my grandma bought me had expired. Well, crap! I thought it expired in June of 2004! Apparently not. I was pretty upset about this, because, dammit, I want to be a SuperGold member! I want to be extra special!

I am such a fucking whiner.

Anywhoo, I'd write about something interesting, except there's nothing interesting to write about. And here's a warning, the next interesting entry you'll probably get will be on the 17th.

Because what's the 17th?? Well, if you don't know now, I suggest you go read my bio.

I'm going to go take a shower and mope about not being a SuperGold member. Toodles.

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