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[ 07-19-03 ] [ 4:57 p.m.]
[ A rush of blood to the head ]

My dad bought me a CD for Christmas that he thought I might like, stemming from my U2 addiction. He said he heard a song on the radio, got the band name, and bought me the CD.

I know I never mentioned before my aversion to being given CDs. I was one of the first people to start using Kazaa (I was one of the first 500 users) and to this day I still use it. I've heard all the talk about the government monitoring who uses Kazaa and who doesn't, and honestly it really doesn't scare me that much, because if they bust me for downloading pirated music, at least it'll piss my mother off and it might get me a one way ticket out of this house.

Now that I've finished ranting like a maniac child...

My dad knows I hate being given CDs in any sort, because I can just download songs I like off of Kazaa any old time. His reasoning for buying me the CD was a pretty smart one, though - because I didn't like the band whose CD he bought for me, and he knew I'd never download songs by a band I don't like. So I suppose he figured by buying me the CD, there was at least an off-chance that I'd listen to it and like it.

Last night I was feeling horribly bad about myself, (I really wonder why) and I decided to give this CD a listen. I remember distinctly being told that this was the type of CD that would calm me down whenever I was in a bad mood, feeling upset, et cetera, et cetera. So I did ol' Dad a favor, and pulled it out.

I'm thankful now that I did. I'm just about convinced that this CD will become one of my all-time favorites. It calmed me down when I was totally hysterical, made me feel better when I was at my worst.

And the best part is that I found the song I've been trying to find, without knowing the artist or the title.

Adding to my list of favorite cds... Coldplay, "A Rush of Blood to the Head".

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