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[ 07-07-03 ] [ 7:37 p.m.]
[ Death by pitchfork upon Van Dyn Hoven Imports ]

Why can't people just be honest? Really. Is it that difficult?

Oh wait! I know why I was lied to! Because some fucker from Van Dyn Hoven Imports in Appleton wanted to sell me a car.

I found out today that the gas cap on my car is broken, when fifteen dollars worth of gas (that came out of MY pocket) leaked all over the driveway.

I was more than just a little pissed off. Me and my stepdad went to Van Dyn Hoven this morning to raise hell.

Turns out the fuckers knew the gas cap was broken, and they don't want to pay for its replacement because the car is "no longer in their care."

They also let us take the car when it was running on empty and refused to fill it up. They said they cleaned the interior when they most certainly did not, because when my dad and I took a cloth cleaner to the backseats, the coffee stains disappeared.

If I didn't love that Nissan so much, I would tell those assholes at Van Dyn Hoven to take the car back and try to wedge it up their ass.

Mom even asked me if I wanted to return the car. I said no, because aside from the gas cap, there's really nothing wrong with the car that we can't fix ourselves.

So. After a bit more ass-chewing that involved all three of my parental guardians screaming at the Van Dyn Hoven manager at the same time, we got a coupon for a free tank of gas, and the replacement gas cap is on order. It will also be paid for out of the pockets of the Van Dyn Hoven salesman that sold us the Nissan, and we got a free bottle of interior car cleaner.

As a result of the Nissan, my stepdad has been remarkably nice to me of late. Coming back from Clintonville on Friday, I'm sure he nearly shocked Carol to death by talking NASCAR with us nearly the whole way home. He called me on my dad's cell phone while we were at the Brewers game to ask who was winning and if I was having a good time, and he was helping me wash the car when we found the broken gas cap. I'm not sure to be grateful or skeptical, but either way, I'm shocked.

The appointment to get the new gas cap is this Friday. We'll see if the Van Dyn Hoven guys are as apologetic as they were today.

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