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[ 07-24-03 ] [ 9:54 a.m.]
[ Cahorting! ]

Sorry for the lack of update. I slept at my grandma's last night, and she has this thing with not wanting me to use her internet. I wonder why, considering I spend about half of my life on the computer anyway.

So, I have my driver's license. And it's nice. I can just get up and go on a whim. Well, I can now considering my mom is in Door County and I'm free to go anywhere and do anything until tomorrow evening. Carol's over, and we plan on cahorting around the Fox Valley on a full tank of gas in a sporty black Nissan Sentra for the whole day.

Cahorting on a budget, Carol says, considering we have about 45 dollars between us.

Although, since I hate my bastard of a stepdad, I'm not going to have any qualms about stealing his poker money.

Just kidding.

At least I don't have to spend any of my money getting gas.

I really like having my driver's license.

Mmm... coffee...

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