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[ 07-13-03 ] [ 7:19 p.m.]
[ Racing on a lawnmower back to bed ]

I've been going through this slightly depressive phase in the last few days that consists of being tired all the time and just wanting to sleep. Today my dad woke me up at 8 for church, and after I got home at 10:30, I took a two-hour nap. After the race just now, I took an hour nap, and now I just want to go back to bed.

So, aside from being tired as all hell, life has been remarkably boring. As it usually becomes at this point in the summer.

I figured out how to broadslide with a riding lawnmower yesterday when I was mowing Dad's tree field. I was bored after I got done and Dad was at Fleet Farm looking for a new weed sprayer so I took the tractor out into the part of the field that doesn't have any trees on it because it grows alfalfa and started turning laps at top speed. Eventually I dug a pretty defined oval into the thing, and it got wider the more I ran on it. Eventually I got it so wide that I could run into the corners top to bottom without even stepping on the gas (because that little John Deere is a zippy little thing). So then I had fun with that width and started cutting the wheel to the left at every turn, and the back would kick out and spray dirt and alfalfa shoots everywhere. Eventually my dad got back and saw me broadsliding with the riding lawnmower, and he started laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall over. His direct quote was "Bored a little?" So now there's a racetrack cut into the alfalfa field at the end of the road.

The race was at Chicago today and if you want my honest opinion, I think it's as boring as all the rest of the mile-and-a-half cookie cutters. Ah, well, it's life. NASCAR-dictated, idiot-ruled life. Anyhow, I shouldn't complain too much about Chicago because if it gets removed from the Winston Cup schedule any time soon I'll probably piss and moan about that, considering how well Tony runs there. A 2nd today, which I'll take only second to a win. (Duh.) I feel horribly bad for Bobby, because that wreck, um, had to hurt. I bet his team'll end up using that car as the charcoal briquettes for their next cookout, considering it took a full five minutes for the safety crews to put out the fire. Oh, and, Ryan Newman won. Yay for you, Mr. "I have a head and shoulders but I think someone forgot to give me a neck." Okay, seriously. That guy's head literally sits on his shoulders. There's no neck there at all! My dad says all the USAC guys are like that from all the time they spend hunched off to the left with their heads resting on their shoulders. I wonder if that means that Ryan Newman's head sits sideways on his shoulders? Okay, I should shut up and not talk, because Tony was a USAC openwheeler too, and he doesn't have much more of a neck than Newman.

Okay. Enough ranting. Back to bed.

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