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[ 04-29-03 ] [ 7:16 a.m.]
[ Pointlessness v. 2.0 ]

I was sick yesterday.

Not so sick that I couldn't write a quick entry in my diary, but since I was home sick and so was my mom, she kinda made sure I didn't sneak a quick 20 minutes.

So my greatest apologies to my adoring fans.

(This followed by a bitter sniff of sarcasm on my end.)

I still sound like a pretty fucked-up throat case, but that's getting better the more water I drink. Granted, as soon as I finish this entry and get to the cafeteria, water will take a backseat to Mountain Dew, but that's not my fault. Okay. Yes it is.

Have you realized that this entry is really, really pointless? Yep, it is... and that's because I have absolutely nothing interesting whatsoever to say. What could I possibly say that's interesting after being sick for a day?


Today I'm wearing the funky glittery pants I made at the paint party on Saturday. They still feel really stiff like rainpants, but I'm getting used to them.

And that was the lovely debriefing of Heather's... life.

I'm finding it harder and harder to be able to say something interesting in this damn thing.

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