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[ 04-27-03 ] [ 5:09 p.m.]
[ Sick and... full of paint ]

I'm sick.

I have no voice, no energy, no ambition to do anything but sleep. I'm so tired that I can barely type, so forgive me if this entry's short. Besides that, because of my D I'm grounded from computer, so my entries will now be written at school.

This assuming I even go to school tomorrow.

Last night, I went to a anti-Prom painting sleepover at Carol's with my ex-best friend Liz, who now I'm back on good terms with. We had so much fun painting our clothes that we've decided to start a small local business, if you will, Basement Designs. The result of the painting party, besides a new business which I'm web managing, is two funky new pairs of paints, one that feels distinctly like floodpants.

Today I tried to get to Holly's birthday party up at the mall, and I went for about an hour before I got so sick that I just couldn't handle it and had my mom pick me up. Then I got to listen to my dad bitch about my grades. Luckily, I got out of tree-watering duty when he heard, or rather, didn't hear my voice.

I really don't need any more crap today. I just need a nap.

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