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[ 05-05-03 ] [ 9:54 a.m.]
[ Paying the price ]

I knew I was going to eventually have to pay for missing so much school eventually.

And I know that I'm paying for it right now, after busting my ass to rip out an anti A-bomb debate paper.

And I know that I'll pay for it for the next couple of days, when I'll end up using my study hall for three days straight to make up a math test, a history test, and an astronomy test.

And I know that I'll pay for it after school for a while when I work my ass off to do all my make-up work.

And I know that I'll really pay for it for the rest of the year, when I become aware that I have no fucking clue what I'm learning or doing in any of my classes.

Yep, I know this mental illness thing is going to come and bite me in the ass.

But now that I'm back in school, trying to survive like the rest of the normal masses, even having to really try to get caught up doesn't seem all that bad.

Granted, I should be working on some of that make-up work right now, considering I'm sitting idly in study hall for the next twenty minutes. I have an Andrews Sisters paper I have to do to make up for my choir absenses, three sections of math homework not including the one tonight, several astronomy assignments that I'll copy from Sarah, and about a ton and a half of assorted assignments from Christian.

But for once in my life, it's not because I really don't want to do it all that I'm not. It's because I need some help before I do anything. I have two study sessions after school today and one before school tomorrow to get me caught up.

So now I'm just waiting.

Waiting, and hoping these next four weeks of school just fly.

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