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[ 03-05-05 ] [ 7:05 p.m.]
[ Sole entry ]

Name: Heather

Age: 18. At times much younger, and sometimes much, much older. I'm a bit jaded for my age, which is sad.

Your interests: Sports, basketball, racing, computer art, HTML, reading, writing music, thefacebook.com (ahh yes, all those beautiful college people), sleeping, DDR, driving, my beautiful Nissan Sentra, my friends, gay rights, slash.

Something deeply meaningful to you: My girlfriend, Carol. To be mushy, she's a beacon of hope whenever I need it, and a ray of sunshine, and all those other good things that the ones you love tend to be. Without her, I would probably not be in college, or at the very least, I wouldn't be surviving college.

How you feel about your diary, and how you think it relates to your actual life: My opinion on my diary honestly fluctuates from day to day. At times it feels like a bit of a chore, and sometimes it feels as though it's my best friend in the world. I don't, however, think I would be quite who I am today without it. I have problems keeping my thoughts recorded for long periods of time and I feel just a bit accomplished when I manage to finish an entry. And as for relating to my actual life - this diary is pretty much an outlet for me to be able to say those things that I think and feel, but would never, ever verbally tell anyone. Sort of difficult to explain, but basically, the diary is my medium to the world.

Your outlook on romance: Romance is definitely a wonderful thing. Having someone is always better than being alone. My situation right now takes a little more finesse than most relationships, as I'm a straight girl with a girlfriend. Basically, as I've explained this to my mother, I'm attracted to men, but I love Carol for who she is as a person, not for what she looks like. Would I be happier if Carol was a man? Maybe. (I think I was supposed to be the man, actually.) At any rate, I hope to be with Carol for as long as I can. I highly doubt that someone could understand me better than she does.

Your outlook on work/school: Since I've never had a serious, the-government-taxes-your-paychecks sort of job, I can't really say how work is for me. I am excited about the thought of a summer job, though - for the first time in my life, I want to work. As for school, well, I'm incurably lazy and I hate homework, so if I can fake my way through classes, I will.

Your outlook on family: I love my family, and I honestly couldn't ask for a better one. My mom is loving, if somewhat overprotective, and a good friend; my step-dad and I, though not best buddies, get along much better than in the past; my dad and I are great friends and have tons of fun together; my grandma and I are exceptionally close and I admire her strength in the face of everything that's nearly killed her over the years. I only wish I were closer to my step-siblings - they tend to be a bit standoffish, but all-in-all they've been good step-siblings over the years.

How you feel about review sites: I like them, especially creative ones. I love a review site that does something different than the others, and I'm really enamored with sites that give letter grades instead of point totals. (My favorite review site was zap-reviews, from which I got an exceptional review, but they have disappeared.) I love feeling worth something - even review sites that are supposed to be mean give criticism and very often they can find something good mixed in with everything they see as bad. Maybe we shouldn't need review sites as a self-worth booster, but if taken with a grain of salt, they're fun and amusing. And they're good for a pick-me-up on a bad day.

Favorite color: Orange. Unlike most people figure, orange is not my favorite color for Tony Stewart, my favorite NASCAR driver (who drives for Home Depot). The color orange is extremely attractive to me, and aside from that it's unique - a bright, happy color with a little touch of class.

Favorite musical type and artist: No more could I honestly tell you than could I tell you which hair on my head was my favorite. I love all music - it's one of the things that makes the world a lot less crappy. Though some of my very favorite music genres are classical, barbershop, choral, easy rock, classic rock, and dance music.

Favorite food: Once again, a really difficult question to answer. I'm a food whore, basically. I love to eat and sometimes I pay the price for it. I have a taste for chicken and I usually say that chicken is my favorite food when forced into it, but there are so many foods I like. Besides chicken - spaghetti, french fries (especially dipped in different kinds of salad dressing), pizza, chocolate, alfredo, cheese, and tomatoes.

Some concept that interests you and why: More of an issue than a concept, but gay rights. Unsurprisingly, it's my voting issue - the issue that makes me a liberal over my more moderate views when it comes to other things. I truly fail to see how the same rights given to heterosexual couples can be denied to homosexual couples, when truly all these people want to do is have lives and be able to take care of their partners should they need to. I should know - because that's all I want for myself and Carol.

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