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[ 03-04-05 ] [ 11:04 p.m.]
[ Spring Break at last ]

I want fucking out. Out out out. I am so sick of being in the town of a million snows. My advice to everyone: NEVER go to Marquette, Michigan. EVER.

It's like a ghost town in the dorms. There's no one here. The great thing about most everyone having Fridays off is that we can all leave early on breaks. Yesterday the hall was like a war zone - people moving things around and being loud and shit - and now nobody's here. I've come in contact with maybe three people all day.

The plus side of this, of course, is that my roommate was not one of those three people.

She and her boyfriend had a fantastic fight last night as they were getting ready to leave. It's hard to figure out all the things they fight about - seriously, the list is huge - but I think this one was about luggage and carrying it and putting it where. Anyway, there was slamming down of objects and yelling and even some "I hope you crash and die" and "I'm not speaking to you for the rest of break." Sometimes, my roommate's fights with her boyfriend are fantastically funny - so funny sometimes that it's hard not to laugh in her face. While my feelings for Katie range between utter contempt and mild friendliness, I don't want to make things worse off for myself than they are by spiting her more than I already have.

At any rate, she's gone, and I've had the room to myself today. If only I weren't so anxious to go home, I would have enjoyed the space more.

It really, truly sucks up here. Perpetual winter is not fun.

Thank God for Spring Break. I can't wait to go home.

T minus 13 hours.

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