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[ 05-24-03 ] [ 4:26 p.m.]
[ Questions of designing ]

Of all the things I'm contemplating in my life right now, the one rising to the top of my brain at the moment has to be why the hell I haven't gone completely crazy, seeing as there are currently thirty people in my house.

Most of which I'm not related to in any way, shape, or form.

It's May 24th, and these people are all over here to celebrate my birthday. Anybody see anything fishy with that? I sure do, seeing as how my birthday is in the middle of July.

When you have a big step-family, I guess you have to compensate for not being able to get together very often.

So, um, happy birthday to me, two months early.

The other thing in my life that I'm contemplating at the moment is whether or not to start a design site. I know HTML, and you're looking at the proof. I even have a couple of designs, ready for publishing. I just have no idea how to go about it. I mean, what's the standard criteria for owning and operating a design site? Mostly my questions have been on how to properly display the designs. I don't have the ability to take screenshots like Lissy does. So how else am I supposed to get my designs out to the public? Questions for another day, I suppose, as I'm currently being invaded because my soon-to-be-step-sister-in-law Carolyn wants to play Hearts.

One final thought on the design thing before I let Carolyn take over. I don't even know if I'm really all that good at HTML. I find it much easier than people say it is. Basically it's just changing around a bunch of symbols and letters and numbers. Nothing too difficult there. But anyway, I'm really not sure about my abilities to design. The latest design I did, while it features one of the hottest men alive, I'm not even sure I really like. It's so... plain.

Somebody, please, talk me into a design site, or talk me out of it. Here's my latest design, to persuade your way of thinking, one way or another. Either way, I want some feedback.

Is a design site a good idea?

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