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[ 05-25-03 ] [ 11:58 p.m.]
[ Hyper alert!! Do not read if you wish to live!! ]

Whew! My dad's friggin Earthlink connection is slow as molases, and I just got here with two minutes to spare.

The things we heavy-duty Diarylanders do to update daily.

The important news of the day: thanks to Mel and Lindsey, I've opened up a design site. Once I finish this entry, I'm gonna go add my link to my template, but just for another plug: Lil Sis Design.

Now that I've plugged myself and two dear dear friends...

HELP! I'm being assaulted by plot bunnies! They're producing much faster than I can write! They're taking over my mind! HELP!

(A plot bunny, for those of you who don't know, is an idea for a fanfiction that won't friggin go away unless you write the damn fanfiction.)

I suppose being assaulted by plot bunnies is a good thing, though. It gives Carol more things to read at my fanfic diary.

Oops, another plug!

I had no idea it was humanly possible to be this hyper this... early in the morning. Because, technically, it's 12:03 because it took me five minutes to type out the preceding.

I'm sure those of you who are reading this are thinking "what the fuck...?"

That's basically what I'm thinking as I type this.

I'm too friggin hyper to make any sense.

Friggin deal with it!

And have a nice day! ;)


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