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[ 04-06-03 ] [ 5:32 p.m.]
[ Racing and plugs ]

Today was kind of better than yesterday. It's not like yesterday was a bad day, but today I'm just a little more... perky than I usually am.

This should come as a shock, seeing as how Tony Stewart finished 25th at Talladega today, and usually I'm disheartened if he finishes anywhere worse than tenth. And it's all because of that stupid Mickey Mouse-eared freak in the 97 car!

Since I'm so into explanations nowadays, maybe I should explain exactly why there will be loads of race jargon to be found in this diary. I would like to believe it has to do with my birth. I have this theory (which will be explained another time, or never) that you can tell a lot about a person by what was going on in the world around them the night of their birth. Well, what was going on around me is that my mother was giving birth, and my father was at a race track, being a crew chief. I have heard this story so many times that I could probably relay it word for word, even though I was there, but... hey, I'm not gonna remember getting born. Anyhow, the part about it that gets me is that the track officials actually announced that I was being born over the P.A. They told my dad to "call home, your wife is having a baby!" That, basically, is my theory on why my life is destined to be based around racing. Kind of corny, I know, but so far my theory hasn't been disproven. It's not like I sit around and pray for the races to end. I actually pray for races to start.

As for my Tony Stewart obsession, I like him because my dad likes him. My dad likes him because he's met him a few times, back when Tony was racing USAC. My dad was friends with a friend and former crew chief of Tony's, hence the connection. When I started really paying attention to racing, Tony was the first guy I looked at, and I liked what I saw. And when we went to Daytona last summer, I got to see Tony up close, and let me tell you, he is HOT! I hope, that when I go to Bristol this summer, I'll be able to meet him... *crosses fingers* But enough about him, I could go on about him for hours, as most of my closest friends already know.

Wow, I really am in a good mood today, aren't I? I need to sit back and soak it in, because it's been a very long while since I've felt so good. I think the real reason is because I was accepted to review diaries for USA Reviews. I've already done my first one, even though it isn't posted yet, and I think I'm really going to enjoy doing this. Okay, that was not only my happiness at this, that was also a total plug for USA Reviews. Oh, and by the way, I have them plugged down below in my little links box.

After another shameless plug, I have decided that I ought to shut up now before y'all get sick of me plugging review sites like USA Reviews.


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