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[ 08-10-03 ] [ 4:35 p.m.]
[ Convo w/ Liz ]

Heather: Tell me!

Liz: Heather, I can't.

Heather: How come???

Liz: It's not mine to tell

Heather: I really hate being the third wheel you know

Liz: You're not the third wheel

Heather: I have a weird feeling I already know what it is, or at least what it has to do with

Liz: tell me what you think it is

Heather: I think it has something to do with me

Heather: And that's why you guys won't tell me

Liz: Very astute

Liz: It's not anything bad about you, Heather

Heather: Ok well I was gonna say, if y'all hate me I can handle that kinda stuff

Liz: nothing of the sort

Heather: Oh my god, I just put a couple of pieces together

Liz: yes?

Heather: She said it had something to do with Jo

Liz: who's that?

Heather: Jo, the girl she had a crush on. The one she said was Jonathan

Liz: ah. Yes, I recall now

Heather: It...

Heather: Doesn't have anything to do with someone liking me, doe sit?

Liz: I cannot confirm or deny...

Heather: Just yes or no, I won't push as to who "someone" is

Liz: yes

Liz: okay?

Heather: Okay

Heather: Now I'll drop it

Liz: okay

Heather: Besides that, I have a sinking feeling I know who "someone" is

Liz: I'll tell you it's not me. Beyond that...

Heather: Well I know it's not you

Heather: Because you wouldn't have told me yes or no

Heather: It's her, isn;t it

Liz: Heather, I'm not going to tell you *who* it is.

Heather: Even if I guess?

Liz: No.

Liz: You're really putting me in a bad spot, you know that.

Heather: I know

Heather: It's not like I'm going to say anything to her about it... In fact the only thing I might say is that she could've been open about it, considering I wouldn't sleep with her if I weren't at least attracted to her. And I wouldn't continue to sleep with her if I didn't feel something for her.

Heather: So there.

Liz: k. I plan to keep my cute little head out of this entire matter as much as possible.

Heather: Was I right????

Liz: Heather, you've pushed it far enough

Heather: I told you, I'm not going to say anything... and if my mom weren't sitting right behind me!!!!!!!! I'd tell how about how I really feel............... nyeh

Liz: (sigh) Yes.

Liz: Sometimes I really hate the both of you.

Heather: I hate you too.

Heather: what did she all say?

Liz: I really don't like being put in that position, and *you* should know *that* by now.'

Heather: Don't you worry your pretty head. I'm taking care of it.

Liz: Yeah, well, I'm sure Carol will take care of my head for me when she frickin cuts it off.

Heather: I'm sure she won't

Heather: I can handle Carol. I've always been able to. She's the one who has problems handling me

Heather: so what did she say?

Liz: Heather, I'm serious. If you want to know about it, go tlak to *her*. I already feel bad enough for breaking a confidence.

Liz: thanks

Heather: I know how she is. She won't tell me, even if I spill my guts. She has a real confidence problem. Especially in bed

Liz: TMI

Heather: SORRY!

Liz: Well, I'm not telling

Heather: Well can you listen then?

Liz: even if I could remember exactly how the convo went

Liz: listen to what?

Heather: To me

Liz: yeah

Heather: As soon as my mother leaves!!!!!

Heather: I lied to her about having a crush on you. That's why I was so nonchalant about it today. You've always been more like a sister than anything else, and she's the one I've wanted... except when I had the opportunity to tell her that, I just kinda chickened out and I said it was you instead

Liz: aww, and it inflated my ego, too...

Liz: I'll get over it

Heather: Sorry.

Heather: I was trying to save my own ass

Heather: Can't blame me for that, can you?

Liz: no

Liz: like I said, my damaged ego will survive.

Heather: *hug*

Liz: somehow...

Liz: So, you chickened out and told her you liked me, when it truth you liked her.

Heather: Yup

Heather: That's the long and short of it

Liz: And she likes you but is too scared to tell you.

Heather: For fear that I'm going to laugh in her face?

Liz: damn, you two are screwed up.

Heather: When I've been sleeping with her!

Liz: probably because you've been panting over Alex

Heather: Wha??

Liz: All the, "Oh, I'm so glad to have a boyfriend, I really like Alex" boyfriend stuff.

Liz: I'm pretty sure she won't say anything because it seems like you're carrying a torch for him

Heather: I like him, yes

Liz: are you still?

Heather: But I also haven't been sleeping with him

Liz: So you and Carol actually sleep together.

Heather: Yes

Heather: Dry sex

Liz: ok

Liz: but please, no details

Heather: Well a tiny detail might help explain things

Heather: Always clothes on

Heather: She's too scared to do it otherwise

Liz: one of you needs to just bite the bullet and say how you feel

Heather: It'll be me

Heather: Today

Heather: I just needed to know how she felt before doing anything

Liz: and I have a feeling it's gonna have to be you if you want it to happen in the next decade

Heather: I obviously type a lot faster than you, don't I?

Liz: yeah, yeah

Liz: Just tell me one thing

Heather: Kay

Liz: Just reassure me this is the truth, okay?

Heather: It is

Liz: I really hated being given the short end of the stick on April Fool's

Heather: Well, what I wanted to do was turn the April Fool's joke around on her and tell her how I feel, but I chickened out then, too'

Liz: and this is like deja vu

Heather: We won't be public about it, Liz. Don't worry. It'll probably just be normal. We can't really be public about it, considering my father is a fundy.

Heather: And a Lutheran

Liz: I don't give a damn if you're public about it. I really don't care, excewpt that it might hurt your family. What I care about is being sure that my friends are being honest with me. That's why I asked

Liz: ok?

Heather: Yeah I know

Heather: But I know it probably had to suck when you were the odd one out

Liz: yeah, it really did

Heather: I tried to get Carol out of the joke for that very reason

Heather: Because I hate it

Heather: And I know you hate it

Heather: But she doesn't know what it's like

Heather: If there's not me, there's you

Liz: especially when I was particularly morose about not having a boyfriend at the time



Heather: Trust me. I joked about something this serious once, and it cost me the guy I thought I'd love forever

Liz: hwo was that?

Liz: *who

Heather: Danny LeClaire

Liz: what happened there?

Heather: Just kept denying it, then told his friends it was just a joke we were playing on someone and we weren't really dating because I was getting razzed... he found out and that was that]

Heather: Carol still doesn't know that's how it ended

Heather: I think she'd feel bad for suggesting the April Fool's thing

Liz: waitaminute, she said you suggested the AF thing

Heather: She did

Heather: I went along with it

Heather: The April Fool's idea was mine

Heather: She said we should joke on you about us being together

Heather: I said April Fools

Liz: ah

Heather: I'm just glad you told me... or rather, that I guessed.

Heather: It was getting hard for me to be around her and not have her, ya know?

Liz: well, go get her. Why the hell are you still tlaking to me?

Heather: Because she's mowing the lawn right now

Liz: ah, yes, there is that.

Liz: damn the lawn


Heather: are you gonna be able to go tonight

Liz: (sigh) Now I need a boyfriend

Liz: I don't know

Liz: I also need to mow the lawn

Heather: Ironically, so do i

Heather: But I can do it tomorrow

Liz: Give me about an hour and I'll get back to you.

Heather: Ok

Liz: ok, later

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