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[ 08-07-03 ] [ 11:56 p.m.]
[ Designing, reviewing, and choosing between them ]

I've been throwing everything I have into Lil Sis Design the last few days. Ignoring my diary and my duties at USA Reviews, just to take the time to grapple throat-to-throat with HTML for the sheer joy of having my own creations viewed by the teeming masses of template-seeking Diarylanders who only want beautiful templates to match their highly individual personalities as displayed through their unique writing styles.

Ohhkay. Maybe it's not quite that bad. After all, I'm in one of those funky moods and I wanted to see how long I could make that sentence stretch.

But I have been throwing myself into work at Lil Sis Design of late. Liz has done the same since she settled comfortably back into her own house. Her output has been far greater than mine, but I'm still ahead of her as far as totals go. Any which way, it's not the point to see who can design the most. It's designing for the sheer dumb love of designing, and for making someone else feel good when they happen to find that perfect template.

Things like that do happen every now and again, you know.

I love Lil Sis Designs. I can easily say it was the best idea I ever had. And it's especially nice knowing that I'm not there alone.

Lindsey gets better with every template she completes. I know she's a little on the self-conscious side, what with jumping in as a newbie with a girl who's known HTML since she was, oh, 11. (That's me, by the way... Liz learned HTML back in June.) Designing temps is a small feat for me, but I can tell it's much more of a challenge for Lindsey, but she doesn't realize she's damn good for a beginner. Most HTML beginners do things like change font size and think they're wonderful. Lindsey is sitting here designing full blown templates that work well and look good.

I just love watching Lil Sis Design flourish. We installed a Sitemeter yesterday, and already today it's nearing 300 hits. Lindsey and I have it figured that approximately 30 of those hits are between us three, so about 270 hits were from other people. We also put in a FastOnlineUsers code, and I've never seen it read "1 online". When I'm on the site, it always reads something like "4 online", which is an incredible confidence booster.

But while I've been throwing myself into Lil Sis, I've been noticing my personal lack of enthusiasm towards reviewing. Maybe that's not so much of a mystery, with a 12 year old kid showing up and giving 60s to perfectly good diaries and giving 100s to Christian yuppies who couldn't spell to save their souls. This is made no better by the fact that this 12 year old kid is also on my pending list, and I've been trying to find a way to tell him as nicely as possible that he's about as pleasant as being poked in the eye.

And I'm not exactly looking forward to the four reviews I have to do before I get to him.

Maybe you can't design and review at the same time. Or maybe I can't. When I'm into something, I throw myself into it for as much as I'm worth. Last month it was reviewing. Last week it was blurredlove. Now it's Lil Sis Design. I wish I knew how to make my brain lock onto many separate interests at once, instead of just submersing into one particular thing. For the most part, I like reviewing, and I like blurredlove, and I like Lil Sis Design.

But I'm not sure I can handle all three at once.

Maybe all I need is some R&R. Cedar Lake this weekend should be therapeutic.

If I don't have to listen to Hamster Dance on the way over there.


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