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[ 08-07-03 ] [ 9:48 a.m.]
[ Maturity (and people who don't have any) ]

I am so bad.

August hasn't even been here a week and already I'm skipping entries left and right. Good thing that after I get my remaining three reviews back, I'm quitting getting reviews. I'm sick of the melodrama.

Speaking of melodrama, there's an extremely annoying 12-year-old who now works at USA Reviews. Every day when I get online he's there, asking me if I've reviewed his diary yet. He's currently at the bottom of my pending list, which means he gets reviewed after all the other people on my list. From what I've read of his diary, he's whiny and hypocritical, is in love with himself, and completely obsessed with Emma Watson (trust me, this is worse than my obsession with Tony.) This child bothers the snot out of me. Would someone like to explain to me why I have a slew of 11 and 12 year olds always constantly IMing me? It's not like I'm their same age. I'm a whole half decade older than them, and more mature as well.

Speaking of mature, last night I wasn't exactly the most dignified person on the planet. I went bowling with Liz and Carol, and we invited Alex along too. In short, I think Alex flirted more with Carol than he did with me, and when I mentioned this to Carol she blew it off and then continued to flirt with him! The more I hang out with Carol, the more she gets on my nerves. I'm also aware that I'm less mature when I'm around her, and that's why I find myself hanging out with her less and less. On the other hand, I've been seeing more of Liz than I normally do, and Tuesday night when we went to see Seabiscuit, I had more fun that I had in a long time. And it was refreshing to not have Carol continually whispering in my ear.

I am in a very disagreeable mood this morning. So far the only person I haven't disagreed with is Liz.

Thank God for mature friends.

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