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[ 08-05-03 ] [ 12:38 p.m.]
[ Old Navy, Old Navy, Old Navy Performance Fleece! ]

I'm sure Liz will be perfectly pleased to read that I have become an Old Navy shopper for life.

Last night my dearest mother dragged me up to Appleton to go clothes shopping for my senior pictures. After going through stores that promote the well-being of skinny girls, (such as Gap, JCPenney, Marshall Fields, Sears, Target, American Eagle, Express, and worst of all, Abercrappie and Bitch... I can't believe my mother made me go into that place) I finally persuaded my mother to leave the mall for two seconds so we could go to Old Navy. What I found there was beyond my wildest dreams - comfortable, fashionable clothes, in sizes that don't make me look like a complete pudding-filled, puppy-fat, Pooh-bear-bumbly, more-rolls-than-a-pastry-truck balloon!

It's no wonder I spent over 300 dollars at Old Navy yesterday.

I take this sweet, tender moment to say, thank God for Old Navy. It seems to me that they remain the only store on the planet (aside from Lane Bryant, which doesn't count... their clothes are too big for me, not too small) that sells clothes that are not only completely acceptable as far as fashion goes, but they also fit someone who might happen to weigh 250 pounds. My mom spotted a size 24 in jeans and she was shocked that such a thing could even exist in a store that sells clothes that preppies wear. She even bought a pair of jeans, and if you know my mom at all, you know she's a JCPenney worshipper - whatever she wears, it came from Penney's. She even went so far to make the bold statement that if there wasn't a Gloria Jean's in the mall, she'd never go back there.

Thank you, Old Navy, for making fat people feel skinny.

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