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[ 08-03-03 ] [ 9:14 p.m.]
[ Fuck you, Bricks ]

There will come a day when Tony Stewart's saliva will be all over those bricks.

Whether it's an Indy car or a stock car the man crawls out of, one day he is going to share a very passionate kiss with the Yard of Bricks.

And then no longer will I have to be one of the many Tony Stewart followers who hate the first week in August or the last in May because one way or another, Tony gets screwed.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway, you fully, totally, and completely suck.

Why is this picture constantly being painted? Tony comes to Indy, does well, and due to one thing or another ends up without a trophy. Without a victory that will mean more to him than any other.

At least he didn't punch anyone this year.

(For anyone who didn't understand any of that entry, too bad. I am much too disagreeable to do any explaining for the non-NASCAR folk.)

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