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[ 05-08-03 ] [ 4:46 p.m.]
[ "Cheating" through high school ]

I'm trying to think of something to say that would make my day sound remotely interesting.

And while I'm thinking, why don't I tell you why I'm talking to Zach, dreading Astronomy, and pissed right tight.

According to Mrs. Heyn, I am a cheater. Because I compare answers to worksheets in class with Sarah, and because we write down close to the same answers after those discussions, it's automatically cheating. Now, I could see her point perfectly well if she gave us a syllabus at the beginning of the trimester that said "you are not allowed to compare notes/answers in class because I believe it's cheating". If she would've done that, I could've totally seen the justification in her accusations.

Unfortunately, she didn't even come close to a syllabus. The first thing we did on the first day of class was start taking notes. I didn't even know if she was a Ms. or a Mrs. until Zach told me three weeks into the class.

To make matters worse, it isn't just me and Sarah she's hammered on. Zach and Angela, Erin and Kim, and the two guys who sit in the last row on the same side of the room as the six of us, all got slammed for it. Because we're all friends. And because we're not her favorites.

There are only eight of us that sit on the left side of the room. I think it's kind of suspicious when all eight of those people get accused of cheating.

And another thing that pisses me off? The fact that I missed a week of school, and she won't give me my makeup work. I've asked her every day this week, and she pretends that there was none, when Sarah has showed me the homework she assigned.

Zach, Angela, and I are all failing. Sarah is scraping by with a C.

My mom says that a teacher can't fail me, that I earn the grade I get. And maybe that's true.

But a teacher can sure go out of her way to make sure a kid fails.

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