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[ 05-15-03 ] [ 7:40 p.m.]
[ Template talk and tomorrow ]

I know I said I wouldn't change this template until I got sick of looking at myself.

Well, I got sick of looking at myself.

Besides that, I adore this new template. It's not dark, it's not bright, it's not happy, it's not moody. It's almost mysterious. I don't know what it is about it, but I love it.

No word from Alex one way or another. Silence is never good when dealing with potential boyfriends.

I had another meeting with Fran yesterday. I couldn't bring myself to tell her about the cutting. As of now, the only two adults who know I cut are my grandma and Mrs. Johnston. I think that's the way it's going to have to stay for a while.

I'm really excited for tomorrow, for two reasons - #1, it's Carol's birthday, and if she lets me and Liz know soon, we might go see a movie, namely, X2. #2, tomorrow's the Diversity Fair, basically a school-wide "Get Out of Jail Free" card. It's seriously like being at a carnival - booths and food and games and bands all day, and if you get your green sheet signed by your teachers, you get to go ALL DAMN DAY! I'm going 2nd, 3rd, and 5th hours, maybe 4th depending on Mr. Oxley's mood, maybe 1st depending on Mr. Moriarty's mood. So I'm really excited for that.

And now I'm out of things to say.

I'm really good at closers, aren't I?

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