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[ 05-16-03 ] [ 9:54 a.m.]
[ Alex update ]

I'm absolutely covered in orange and black Sharpie.

Out of sheer boredom in the last ten minutes of geometry, I let Alex color on my jeans with Sharpie. Eventually, it got to the point when he made a full-fledged war out of it, marking up my hands and arms while I tried to fend him off.

He won. I look like I'm dressed up for Halloween.

Tim tried to tell me yesterday that the lack of response from Alex meant that his interest in me was about nil. I believed him, judging by Alex's behavior in yesterday's math class.

But today... today was a majorly different story. Today he talked to me, laughed with me, marked on me, and we almost - almost - held hands leaving the classroom.

I'm not giving this fight up. No matter how hard Tim tries to burst my bubble, I'm not gonna give up on Alex.

I like him too much for that.

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