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[ 05-17-03 ] [ 4:49 p.m.]
[ So damn tired! ]

I think I now just got the paint out of my hair.

The Diversity Fair, like I expected it to be, was an absolute blast. I had a paint war with Zach, got sprayed with a hose by the dunking booth, meandered, listened to Endpoint, and realized how much cooler the Diversity Fair was over class.

After school, I went with Carol and Liz to Funset Boulevard to celebrate Carol's seventeenth birthday yesterday. (Die, daylog!)

And I got no sleep.

Well, okay, some.

I'm tired, exhausted, etc., and at the moment I'm not really capable of putting out an entry with any amount of coherence or deep thought to it, so I'll say this for now:

Yesterday was a fucking blast.

I'm wiped.

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