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[ 05-22-03 ] [ 2:11 p.m.]
[ For someone ]

This is just a short entry to give my props to someone I really care about.

Someone I haven't even known that long, someone that I feel like I've known for my whole life.

Someone who, although I've never seen her face, is like a sister to me, the real sister I never had, unlike my bitch of a step-sister who only knows the meaning of making herself happy.

This someone is the sweetest person I think I've ever met, although it may be premature to say that, considering I'm only sixteen.

This someone, I think, understands me. One of the only people in my life right now who can claim that.

This someone has been on my mind a lot for the past few days, since I read an entry in her diary that bothered me. I didn't leave her a note about it, even though I wanted to, just to tell her that there are people all over the place who love her and care about her. Then I thought how much more personal it would be to tell her that through my diary, where I only put my most important thoughts.

Lately, she's been right up there in my most important thoughts. Her, and that entry of hers that bothered me.

So now I'm writing it out, letting her know that if nothing else, I care about her, and I'm glad that she's my friend.

I'll always be there for ya, hon. Love ya.

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