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[ 04-17-03 ] [ 9:25 a.m.]
[ Destination Minnesota ]

*Note: this entry was written at the date and time it says, although the date of posting was April 19, 2003. This is because of my trip to Minnesota. I did write diary entries, I just had no method of posting them.

I thought a lot about Alex today.

Granted, that's likely because there's not much else to do on a 5 1/2 hour road trip to Minnesota. I always get antsy for things to do, listening to my CD player, and trying to sleep. Usually, I just end up getting really restless. I hate car rides.

Which sounds really odd when you consider that I adore flying. When I take vacations that require the use of airplanes, I always mention the flight as part of my favorite part of the trip, even though flying 5 1/2 hours in an airplane can be just as boring as riding 5 1/2 hours in a car.

I think there's one distinct reason why I like airplanes so much better: tray tables.

Okay, in all seriousness now, car rides suck. This one especially. I can think of several other places I'd rather be than trapped in the backseat of my grandparents' shiny black Grand Marquis. Alex's arms is one of them.


I guess I'm making up for five or so days when, in addition to not getting to see him, I didn't really think about him that much. I was a bit preoccupied with other things, namely the doctors' appointment and the results of the blood test. And my ACT and my trip to Minnesota, and racing, of course.

How is it possible for a girl to be so preoccupied during her Spring Break?

To answer my own question, I don't know. But I've obviously discovered how.

I guess the reason I've been thinking about Alex so much today is because all of a sudden, my life went from Talladega to Martinsville (Translated: from about 200mph to about 90). Everything was going by so quickly, and all of a sudden it all slows down, so in order to stimulate my overworked mind, I think about my crush. Forgivable.

My grandma has now informed me that if she has to hear about Alex one more time, she's gonna hail a cab to Minneapolis.

Oh, now, THAT makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

I see McDonalds! I'm ending this entry on a last note:


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