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[ 04-16-03 ] [ 3:27 p.m.]
[ The (Doctors' Office) Results Show ]

So much has happened in 24 hours that it's almost frightening. So I suppose I'll start at the top.

As opposed to the bottom.

I do not have a thyroid problem, nor a problem that has anything to do with the tests they took Monday. Simply put, it's a hormonal imbalance in my body somewhere, and I'm going on The Pill for it. The Birth-Control Pill.


I've already gotten the lecture from both of my parents that being on The Pill doesn't give me a license to go and sleep around. No, ya think? I know they're just trying to be good parents, but Jesus. I'm sixteen and pretty damn responsible for my age. Give me a break!

Second on my lovely list of things to report, I have slight anemia and have to take a multi-vitamin with iron. My grandma has warned me that I might see some "black" effects to this in the toilet. Gross. (And trust me, it took me five minutes to figure out how to say that as cleanly as possible.)

Thirdly, I have slight exzema (I think that's how you spell it) and I need to be on a cream for that.

Fourthly (is that a word?), I'm immune to chicken pox even though I've never had it, and therefore I won't need the vaccine.

By the way, those things I all found out at the doctor's office.

The last thing on my list is what you should have noticed as soon as the page loaded if you've been here before. New layout, featuring my friend Lizzy and myself. I adore this layout, and since it's not pink, difficult to read, or extremely opaque, I think I may stick to it for a while.

Tonight I have to pack for my trip to Minnesota tomorrow. I'll try to write on Thursday and Friday, but more than likely I'll end up breaking my streak of at least one entry every day since I started this diary. (Woohoo me, considering this diary isn't even a month old...)

So there you have it. The update in why Heather's life has been falling apart lately and what I have to do to fix it.

And hopefully, it'll all get fixed soon.

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