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[ 05-17-04 ] [ 7:24 p.m.]
[ Prom Night ]

Let's see if I can recount as much of Prom that I remember, though it might be difficult as so much happened. Once I quit playing Euchre and get my butt off Pogo, I'll scan some of my pictures so y'all can see. But seriously, it might be another hour before I stop playing Euchre.

Anyway, Prom started at 10 a.m. for me, since that's what time my hair appointment was. I spent about an hour an a half in there and paid $55 for hair and makeup, neither of which I liked. I could have cried, and probably would have if I hadn't been coated in makeup. I sat around for the next couple of hours, then got in the bathtub to get ready.

Jason (referred to as Jason from here), Dawn, and Jason (referred to as Boochie from here) got to the house at about 4 p.m. We were ready by 4:30 and we took a bunch of pictures out in the backyard, by the treeline. Once again, once I stop playing Euchre, I'll scan some of them for you all to see. Dinner at Good Company was at six, and the meal was very awesome.

I'll finish this later, I promise, because there is much to tell and I must go. Nite nite.

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