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[ 04-19-04 ] [ 7:40 p.m.]
[ Oy describes it all ]

Oy. The word describes it all.

I could elaborate, but I know that elaboration will just end in the word 'oy' being used several times and that really wouldn't accomplish much. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I used the word 'oy' to describe something at a job interview I had today, and Lisa, the general manager and the woman who interviewed me, laughed. She said I was "well spoken" and I have the distinct feeling that it was a complement.

Yeah, just in case you missed it, I had a job interview at Papa John's today. The wage sucks and the place is really dirty, but Lisa is really nice and the dinner shift was already trying to think up a nickname for me before the interview was over. The team room doesn't have a door, so pretty much everyone knew I was in there for an interview, and they popped in there to say hi in between workloads. Lisa says that I was one of her most impressive interviews ever, and that it was pretty much a given that she would offer me the job. I'm still waiting for a bunch of places to call me back, but I will probably accept at Papa's within a few weeks, because I need the work and I need the money.

But five-seventy-five an hour really sucks monkey. Especially when she only wants to start me on six to ten hours a week. That's like, two work nights. Not that I would complain much about having a light work schedule, but 5.75 times ten hours is only $57.50 for a week. That's $20 to fill my gas tank and the rest to my mom to pay the $288 fine from the car accident. I won't have any free money for myself for like a month and a half, which would be roughly July 1, if I accept at the end of April. Oy.

But each day that passes is one day closer to graduation, which is one day closer to turning 18, which is one day closer to leaving for college. I'm so close to independence that I can almost taste it. It's even a small sacrifice to lose all my friends, just to be on my own for once in my life. My mother is being more clingy as June 3 gets closer, and I think I may die of suffocation before then. I don't know how she's going to take it Moving Weekend when my room gets dismantled from the wonderful place of mine it is now and gets loaded into the car and van.

The mental picture of my room being dismantled is enough to make me hysterical. Oy.

The word describes it all.


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