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[ 03-03-04 ] [ 4:39 p.m.]
[ Like stuff that happened today? ]

My Chicken Parmesan Hot Pocket just split open all over my hands.

For the few of you that have noticed (okay, Liz), I added a comments system to my page. I wanted the comments system, but I didn't want to shell out for SuperGold. So I found a free commenting system, and all is well. The commenting system is actually really easy to install, and if anyone wants one, just drop one and I'll help you out, okay? (That particularly directed toward Kaytee, as I hate having to go through your contact page to get to your guestbook.)

Yeah. Um. School today was okay. Government and Comp were especially fun, for the discussions that took place in both. In Government we took this quiz to determine Political Ideology (communist, radical liberal, liberal, moderate, conservative, radical conservative, facist), and it turns out I'm a 41, a radical liberal. There's like 5 liberals, 10 moderates, and 7 conservatives, and I was muttering "conservative fundy" under my breath every time Mr. Morgen said something pro-conservative. He was trying to demonstrate Conservative vs. Liberal viewpoints, and one of the examples was sodomy. I was like the only one who knew what sodomy was, and then Mr. Morgen asked me, since I'm a liberal, to demonstrate my feelings on sodomy. Once I'd accurately described how liberals feel about sodomy, Mr. Morgen asked the class if anyone opposed completely with anything I'd said. And it was really kind of funny at the time, but I can't remember anything he said. And Comp was good today, because we all talked about these Civil War stories that Ambrose Bierce wrote, and they're all discriptive and gory and something out of the Twilight Zone. And we watched this hokey movie remake of "Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge" and everyone made fun of it, particularly its stupid soundtrack.

So yeah. I guess that's a good enough entry for now, because I've been having a lot of fun lately running off and checking up people's records on the Wisconsin Circuit Court website. Ta-ta!

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