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[ 01-28-04 ] [ 6:11 p.m.]
[ Suspended ]

Forgive me if I don't feel like making this long.

My eyes are puffy and bloodshot as a result of much time spent crying, my stomach has not yet unclenched itself from the little tiny ball it rolled into this afternoon, and the cut on my knuckle hurts like a son of a bitch.

Today I hauled off and decked a kid.

Most of my friends will say he deserved it. Me? I'm not sure. After being forced to endure interrogation in the same room with him, I've realized that he's very, very human. He isn't a kid I'd like to be my boyfriend or best friend... hell, I don't even think I'd want to be friends with him at all, but he's human.

So am I.

I'm suspended for two days and I'll return to school on Monday.

Forgive me if I'm feeling shitty for a little while.

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