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[ 02-06-04 ] [ 6:51 a.m.]
[ Snow day! ]

Snow day! Snow day, snow day!

Of course the problem with the snow day being today is that I was supposed to go see 'Othello' with my British Literature class. I wasn't looking forward to the trip all that much, but I suppose it would have been good if it hadn't snowed and everyone else would have been stuck in school.

Look at me everyone, I'm having problems with my consistency again!

Umm, I have a date to Kings at least. Okay, it's Ty, so it's not really going to be a date-date. It's going to be more like the two of us sitting around laughing at all the people who are slow dancing. *rolls eyes* I hope for romance and I get Ty.

Other than that, nothing much is happening. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy my snow day.

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