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[ 01-26-04 ] [ 5:55 p.m.]
[ Board? Surfboard? Snowboard? No - bored. ]

I am living a boring life.

No, really. What's fun about doing the same thing over and over again? Absolutely nothing. I'm getting to the point where I have to sit here and think about what I did today before writing about it - I used to be able to pull up Dland and spill. But those days are slowly becoming extinct.

Sadly enough, my life was so much more interesting when I was depressed. Believe it or not, but manic mood swings do make things quite interesting. And since I never really knew when to expect a breakdown, I was never really living the same day-to-day routine. Some days I'd skip out of Astronomy class, some days it'd be Choir and History, and some days I'd break down upon entrance to the school and I wouldn't go to a single class. But now, now I haven't missed a class since last trimester. I haven't missed a full class since last year.

Which would be the reason why I'm getting bored, I'd imagine. Waking up and doing the same thing over and over again is starting to remind me of my favorite episode of the X-Files, "Monday." (Aptly named.) It's where everybody lives the same day over and over again until Mulder and Scully can stop this dude from blowing up a bank and/or killing them as they try to stop him. My life feels a lot like that right now. Minus the having to stop a psycho robber from blowing up a bank.

Yeah, okay. So I go to Golf Central with Ty every day, but even that's getting routine. If it's possible to make an arcade routine, I've found the way to do it. We always go to Burger King for lunch, we always take the highway to GC, we always spend four dollars, we always play around of Mario, and then he always plays Time Crisis and I always play DDR. I even do my DDR songs in order, all twelve of them, the same way every day. Every. Damn. Day.

I want variety! I thought being in a band would help that, but even band practice is becoming routine. Thank God for Justin's mom, who bought pizza for us yesterday (then unwittingly allowed Matt to put some in my hair) or else band practice would have been just like it was the week before.

I'm so bored I could scream! In fact, I think I'll do just that. AAAAARGH!!!

Really. The only thing that remains random is my hangout time with my friends, usually at lunch or after school (and honestly, after school is getting boring too. The community food table, however, never gets boring.) I used to look forward to GC with Ty, and now I look forward to getting back to school just to see what my friends will do next. I told the lunch table bunch (Dawn, Chris, Ty, Tony, Connie, Glenn, Spencer, plus a few others) how frustrated I am with my boring life and they spent the lunch hour coming up with ways I could make my life un-boring. The winner? Empty the school pool, fill it with gasoline, and set fire to it.

I have to hand it to those guys, that would definitely be a lot of fun.

It'd probably also burn down the natatorium, fieldhouse, and the Armstrong building.

And then I'd be out of school for a loong time...

Heh. That sounds like fun. Maybe I should do that.

*listens for disbelieving silence*

Okay, enough complaining. This is also my 200th entry. So happy 200 to me. Notice how I'm too bored to think of something creative to do to celebrate? Yeah, it's that routine stuff again. Sucked all my creative juices right out. So now you people might actually have to listen to... *gasp*...


*chokes, dies*

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