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[ 01-22-04 ] [ 4:49 p.m.]
[ Kind of a boring lump of stuff ]

So. Back again. Two entries in two days. I really do have a working computer! *dances*

Man, it is absolutely frickin' cold outside. It's beyond nosehairs freezing together. I was told that the tempature with the wind chill is 30 below. Shee-it! It's like a hazard to go anywhere outside for too long before you start getting numb. Lucky for me, I'm warm and cozy in my house in front of my pretty computer, talking to you people.

I decided to start a list-a-week thing. Maybe it'll be a list-every-two-weeks thing, because it takes me a bit of work to come up with and write. This of course spans off the "Top Ten Hot Guys" list that I wrote back at the beginning of December, that has subsequently been stolen by several of my diary-keeping friends. Right now I'm writing my "Top Ten Male Characters from Movies that I Would Like to See Become Real People." *cues Pinocchio* ("I'm a real boy!") Like I said, it might be a list every week, or every two weeks. But I hope to have them out every Friday, kind of like the Friday Five. Or whatever.

I've decided that I really, really like "Othello". Yeah, that "Othello"; the Shakespeare kind. Mr. Ebben, being the warm and wonderful teacher he is, assigned us a group project to paraphrase and analyze a soliloquy from the play, and my group got Iago's scheming soliloquy from Act II, Scene III. He is firmly the coolest villian ever. I can just hear the evil maniacal laughter after he finishes his speech. "And from her goodness I shall make the net that will enmesh them all! MWAHAHAHA!" My group even decided that after Howie reads the paraphrase, he's going to laugh madly. It's going to be great - and I know Mr. Ebben will appriciate that.

In keeping with the stupid psychology dream-keeping assignment, here's my dream from last night: I was sitting in Algebra taking a quiz on stuff from Calculus. And everyone in my class was complaining because they didn't know how to do anything. And the whole while everyone was complaining I was finishing the quiz. I gave the copy to Mr. Frost who read it over and announced I got a perfect score - then he made me do every problem on the board, explaining what I did. After I got done, Matt Ellis, Chad's little brother, asked me out. It was very strange, considering Matt isn't even in my math class.

So anyway. I'm off to work on my list. Hopefully it'll be up by tomorrow.

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