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[ 12-29-03 ] [ 2:04 p.m.]
[ Unlocking party ]

There are a few reasons why, when loading this page, you weren't prompted for the password. As you might have noticed, I've returned to the land of the unlocked diarist. Now, as for the reasons why I've returned to the land of the unlocked diarist - I've made a full-on commitment, for the fifty millionth time, to try and regularly update this thing, and hopefully someday retain the magnitude of readers I once had before I decided to hermatize.

Put in plain English - I miss having readers. I miss seeing e-mails from Diaryland or Sign My Guestbook telling me that someone's left me a line. I miss talking to all my old Diaryland friends on AIM, and shockingly enough, I even miss reviewing.

As for Bo, if he ever finds this diary, if he ever reads it and divulges its information, then it happens. Josh and I have been over for a couple of months now, and we've started talking again. There doesn't seem to be much tension between us, for which I'm thankful. And if Bo doesn't know enough to leave sleeping dogs lie, then I cannot rightly say that he's very smart.

There are a few entries that I will need to privatize, just to be on the safe side. If you come across one, the password will remain the same. If you never got a password, or for some reason I've forgotten to add yours, tell me.

Even though I'm going to try to write every day, I probably won't be able to, at least not until I go back to school next Monday. I'm kind of grounded from the computer, and I've been sneaking on it when my parents aren't home so I can check my mail and dick off.

So. Lately I haven't been thinking about guys that much. I think it almost runs in shifts. Chris certainly hasn't been on my mind like he'd been before. I'm not even thinking about Nathan that much. Maybe that's because I'm spending all of my time thinking about football, Christmas, dancing, and hanging out with Liz and Carol. I guess it's true that friends are so much better than a stupid boyfriend.

Well, okay. It's not a powerful and moving entry, but it shall suffice. I'm off.

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