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[ 01-02-04 ] [ 11:19 a.m.]
[ A new year has come ]

It's been 2004 for nearly thirty six hours.

Straight up, this is not going to be some highly reminiscent piece of journaling that describes with fondness and utter longing the year previous. That would be because the year previous is a year that I'd be happy to store away in my memory box and not think of again for a while.

Similarily, this is not going to be a tremblingly excited look forward into the year my life will change forever.

Okay, come on. Every year is the year my life changes forever. Last year I went through depression, got my driver's license and a car, and became a senior in high school. Those definitely weren't small changes. But this year, this year is the big Kahuna. Say it with me - graduation.

Graduation. The day we donn the red caps with the red and white tassels and we listen to our principal and our class representatives (the valedictorians don't give speeches at graduation, probably because there's usually like ten of them) talk about the struggles of high school and the challenges of college. It's the day when childhood ends and adulthood starts.


I've made my decision on which college to attend. When I started typing that sentence, I put the word 'finally' in it, but then I took it out because it wasn't a slow and agonizing decision. The decision came kind of fast, to tell you the truth. So, come this fall, I'll be calling Marquette, Michigan my home - Northern Michigan University.

I've started making a list of where all my friends are going to college. It looks as though the nearest anyone is going to be to me is in dear old Oshkosh, at UWO. I can't say honestly that I'm bothered by this. As much as I love my high school friends, I'm really looking forward to being somewhere on my own where I don't know anybody.

But college is still a long way off.

I've been inflicted with the slacker disease (or this year, also called Senioritis) already and it's only now January. The little voices in my head are doing nothing but complaining that this break hasn't been long enough. When I think about going back to school - back to Psychology, the CIP, Brit Lit with all its homework, Algebra and the damn student teacher - I just get all fidgity. I just want out. I'm so sick of school, so sick that not even two weeks of freedom could make me want to go back.

*heaves massive sigh and looks forlornly at the calendar*

Damn you, Monday, January 5th. (I apologize if that's anyone's birthday, anniversary, mom's birthday, etc.)

Speaking of mom's birthday, it's mine. My mom's birthday. Today. The 1957 Neenah New Year's baby is 47 years old today, but she looks older. (Shh, I didn't say that.)

*sigh* Time to archive. Where's Lindsey when I need her?

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