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[ 12-02-03 ] [ 11:33 p.m.]
[ Yup, this entry title's still capitalized... ]

Heh. Thanks for thinking my idea was amusing enough to steal it. *wink* Although I highly doubt I'm 'cooler' than you. If you ever met me, you'd change your mind awfully quick.

Now then. I was thinking about privatizing some entries and going back to open diary. I think it's because I still have about seven thousand banner views left and I don't want them to go to waste. If only I could make banners people would click on...

I've come to the conclusion that I can never have normal friends. What kind of person would want normal friends after spending a little time with mine? For instance, today after school I locked the windows of the car open, which fully allowed Glenn, Kyle and Rose to scream "LESBIAN PORN!" at the top of their lungs out the windows. Glenn was also chucking pomegranite seeds onto the windshield to see if they'd splatter. These are some of the same people who chase each other around the cafeteria and pretend to fight each other Matrix-style. Using chairs. And tables. And hurling their backpacks over their heads like boomerangs.

Aha! THAT must be the reason I'm psychotic!

I'm highly amused by the fact that the other day, Chad asked for my number. Apparently, he lost it, and today he asked for it again. I told him I'm going to have to start charging him for every time I have to give him my number. Why can't I be a normal girl? Most girls would kill to have Chad ask for their number. Me? I just wish I were with Chris. Even if it meant turning down a chance to go out with Chad Ellis. What is wrong with me?!

Heh. I've been writing football slash again. I haven't done that in about a year, when I tried to slash Brett Favre with Chad Pennington (I'm a slash junkie, okay?) except I couldn't find a basis. This year, I made my own basis. I made dear old Bretty retire and then go be offensive line coach for the Jets. And... heh. Too bad both of them are married. Of course, that's never really stopped me from slashing a guy who's been married. I slash Bobby Labonte all the time, and he's married with two kids, just like Brett Favre. The only problem is that Tony Stewart, who I slash with Bobby, is not married, while Chad Pennington is. *bops Robin on the head with a big blow-up hammer that you get at carnivals, waits til she falls over dead, then runs after Chad drooling*

I had a massive chance to kiss Chris in public today, and I passed on it. Chris and Mikey were talking intimidation in the cafeteria after school, and Chris is eight or nine inches taller than Mikey, so Chris clearly had the intimidation advantage, but Mikey was insisting that he wasn't intimidated. So I stepped in the discussion, saying I wasn't intimidated by anything either, and Chris said "except for me" and he got right in my face. We were probably an inch apart, but the only thing I could do was say "not intimidated yet." Then he poked me, and I lost my chance because I was too busy squealing.

God. *is a hopeless excuse for a human*

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