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[ 12-01-03 ] [ 11:13 p.m.]
[ Look! Another entry! ]

Ahh, it's a good day to be a Jets fan. Jets over Titans, 24-17. J! E! T! S! JETS, JETS, JETS!! You know I've realized something about that cheer? It proves the Jets fans of the world know how to spell. (*scoff*) Of COURSE we know how to spell! And we can prove it!

Now then, some actual substance, sound good?

I love Chris. I'm sure of it. I don't think I've ever been in love before and the way I feel - well, the only word I have to describe it is love. Like today, I was waiting for Tim before math class and I saw Chris and I just got weak. All I wanted to do was run after him and beg him to love me as much as I love him. Then I saw him watching me and I nearly passed out. I can't even concentrate anymore because I spend all my time daydreaming about him, just imagining him holding me... Aside from that, I can't stop fantasizing about being his wife.

Carol says she's going to find out once and for all how Chris feels about me. Her harebrained idea is to tell him that a bunch of us have a bet going as to his feelings for me, as though I think he doesn't like me and everyone else thinks he does. It's crazy, I know, but knowing Carol it could work. I'm not condoning it, though. If she finds out he likes me, she can have all the credit. All I want is to have him.

God, I'm such a high-schooler. Giggly shit about boys and everything. And I'm a flirt. Ugh, maybe if Chris and I weren't such flirts this would be easier. Or maybe it would be nonexistant. Who knows? All I know is that there is another world-class fliter whose attention I don't appriciate.

I was the girl Mikey flirted with at the rink on Friday. He kissed me a couple times but I really didn't like that. I told Chris about it and he got kind of pissy, especially when I told him I didn't like Mikey kissing me. He says I should stand up for myself. I told him that I fully intend to.

Ugh, my computer screen is spinning. I'm so tired I could spit. I got about eight hours of sleep Saturday night, which is pretty bad considering it was 3 a.m. before I fell asleep. Last night I got only five and a half hours of sleep as I was awake until 12:30 writing in this thing. Yeah, yeah, I know I should go to bed now, but I'm gonna write in this thing every day now, or at least try my damnedest. And my grandma doesn't like me on the computer during the day. And I was watching the Jets game. And... ehhh.

I have KMO tomorrow. Looking forward to it. KMO is a load of fun, and it always has been since like elementary school. Mostly, it's fun because of Carol, because we get to skip two class periods and sit around in a room answering dumb trivia questions and being loud. Heh. KMO is a gift from God.

I just can't get over the way I feel when Chris looks at me. Like in the caf after school, Dawn was flirting with some dude and it had most people's attention. I glanced over at Chris to see if he was watching and he was glancing at me. Or like when we were driving home and Rose, Glenn & Kyle were all in the car, Chris was looking at me when we were backing out of his driveway, as opposed to the other people he could've been looking at. Okay, okay. I may be making a big deal out of nothing, but I do like to dream. You should know that by now.

Holy hell, this is the first double day entry I've had in a while. So what if they're about 24 hours apart? It's still December 1st, for another... ehh... 34 minutes yet.

Hopefully I'm asleep by then.

"I'd offer you my hand, it'd hurt too much to watch you die." - Saves the Day, 'At Your Funeral' (song of the moment)

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