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[ 10-29-03 ] [ 4:26 p.m.]
[ Locking up ]

I need to lock up.

Bo has found all three of my online diary/blog/journal thingies, and the only one I can completely password protect is this one. I hard-code my blog on my personal website, and I don't trust/know Xanga well enough yet to start spilling private stuff all over it. Especially since if anyone gets my Xanga password, they can read all my private entries.

This way, I can limit who reads this to people I give the password to. I even went so far as to change my D-land password to something I can't even remember unless I write it down.

*sigh* I hate doing this. But my life is getting fucked up again, and if Bo were to find what I need to write about, he'd tell Josh. Plain and simply, I really don't trust Bo not to tell Josh things.

So yeah. If anybody wants the new password, e-mail me.

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