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[ 10-07-03 ] [ 8:41 a.m.]
[ Flat life ]

*apologizes profusely for the lack of update*

It's not like I've lost interest in the computer or anything, it's just... I don't really think I can find anything to say anymore. For a while there, all I did was the technical side of the computer, updated my website, changed the layout, did some new designs for the subpages of my website, but I didn't really write anything.

Thirteen days since last update. Surprising how not much has happened since then.

I went to Parent-Teacher conferences with my mom, to find that I'm carrying a 4.0. Even getting an A in math class. Ahhh, the perfect child.

My car broke down on Friday after I got done taking Josh to the grocery store. Getting it back today or tomorrow.

I got a cell phone on Saturday. Number is 1-920-915-3077. Call after 9pm please, or whenever you want on the weekend as long as it's after 9pm on Friday.

Zach scared the hell out of me last night by pounding on my window at 9 p.m. He ran away because his parents were doing some not so nice things to him, and I sat with him for about an hour while he got his courage to go back home together.

But other than that, life has been pretty flat. Not boring. Just flat. I'm not bored at all with life, even if it is the same damn thing every damn day. It may be the same routine, but it's a routine that I like and that I'm used to. So life isn't boring. It's flat.


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