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[ 09-24-03 ] [ 8:28 a.m.]
[ Snip, snip, snip... and nine inches of hair lays on the floor ]

This time, when I say it's all gone, I mean it's all gone. I chopped nine inches of hair off of my head last night.

Writing about this makes me think of a review I got from Compendius from Mel. Apparently hair entries are quite interesting. Well I don't know about that, but all I can say is that it feels like I've had a ten pound sack taken off my head.

It is kind of a shock though when you realize that your 20-inch-long hair is now just 11 inches long. I was running my fingers through my hair while I was talking to Josh last night on AIM, and I was all "where'd it all go??"

Had I had the guts to go just an inch or two shorter, I could've donated to Locks of Love. To donate my hair to Locks of Love is one of my personal goals in my life. As it stood last night, I had two options: trim off all my split ends and wait for my hair to grow another two inches, or trim off all the split ends and get my hair cut off to roughly my ears. I chose neither option, and I told Patti, my beautician, that I'd donate the next time my hair got long. To that, she laughed and said "see you in a few weeks then." And she really isn't kidding. My hair grows faster than I can keep up with it.

Okay, enough about my head. I plan to have some pictures posted of my new cut after homecoming, so you can decide what you think of it. For now, I think I'll go to sleep. And man, would I like to.

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