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[ 09-08-03 ] [ 4:38 p.m.]
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I take this moment to say that I love coffee. If I didn't have coffee, I think I would be crazy.

That said, I have a meeting with Fran in an hour and I'm not looking forward to it. I've been trying to get my mom to at least get me a different counselor, but nooo. Gotta be Fran, because I've seen her about five times now. No matter that I think the lady is freaky. No matter that she doesn't listen to anything I say.

Things with Alex are going okay. I walked with him back to class from lunch, and we had a nice few minutes together - I grabbed on to him, he made threats to kill Josh (our resident vampire... you should seriously see his teeth.) All in all, it was nice.

Tonight will be the first night I won't be doing my homework at home. After the Satellite meeting, I went to my locker and got my keys and purse, but I forgot to get my math homework. So instead of drawing Sharpie marker puzzles in the backs of my notebooks, I'll be doing algebraic equations with fractions tomorrow morning in study hall.

Fractions are evil and must die!

And whoo, I'm sweaty all of a sudden. Must be the coffee.

Yeah. That's about it for now. Sign the guestbook and tell me how much you love me, cause God knows I could use it about now.

Oh yeah, and I'm adding those "currently" things to my entries. Just cause I can.

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