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[ 09-04-03 ] [ 8:44 p.m.]
[ Boys are stupid and... yeah. ]

Boys are stupid.

I was having fun, being a crazy and psycho senior after school with Carol and Holli (yeah, what do you know, I've been spelling her name wrong all this time) and guess who was staring at me?


I am sorry, boy, but you missed your chance. You had it all this summer, at several different opportunities, and you passed on them all.

It's not my fault that I've directed my interest towards another boy.

That said, you all might be shocked to read that I've done my homework at home for three straight days now. I haven't even shirked my math homework, which is common for me to do about, oh, two days into the trimester.

I hope I can see Mrs. Johnston within the next few days. I really miss her.

Okay. Short and sweet. I'm going to bed.

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